Hot and muggy here today. I was kind of bored with laying around Fort Awesome so I decided to ride out for breakfast. My plan was to have breakfast and visit with some of the locals. something that I hadn't done in a long while.
After breakfast and the locals thinned out I decided to run down to the twin bridges and get a few shots of the river.
The bridges over two rivers are about three hundred yards apart, hence the name. One of the bridges has a parking area and boat launch under it and is kind of a neat place to take a few pictures and do some bank fishing.
As I pulled in I noticed that there were three other vehicles there but no one around. I rolled down to the water side of the lot and a small dog appeared barking and growling. He appeared to be very serious about not liking me in any way. I hollered at him and he took off into the brush. Odd, but I've seen worse out of animals in this area. Figuring he belonged to one of the houses in the area I didn't give it too much thought.
I snapped a couple of pictures of the still slow moving water and was about to head out to get my fishing rig when another vehicle pulled in. Again the pup showed up making all kinds of racket. And. Again he ran off into the brush. Something about this time though seemed a little odd. I couldn't put my finger on it but it was odd.
I gathered up my rod and reel and headed back down to wreak havoc on the perch. On the way I thought about the pup again. There was something just not right about him. Little guy. A Chihuahua, that looked like he had been well taken care of.
When I pulled in to the lot here he came again. This time it connected. He was scared. Bad scared. He was looking for someone in each vehicle that pulled in. It was very apparent. Someone had dumped this little guy. Once this hit me I started talking to him and trying to get close enough to see if he might have a collar. He was so nervous that it took a while and all of my lunch to get him in close. Finally he let me pet him and I managed to pick him up and we made friends, sort of. I sat him down as he was a lot calmer and went to pester the perch. Every step I made the pup made. I was sort of comical. Earlier he was going to tear me up. Now he was acting as my personal guide.
I finally got enough muggy heat to do me for the day and headed back to the bike. There were a couple of people there loading kayaks and they told me he had been there for several days. This convinced me that my earlier thoughts had been correct. Some low life had dumped him. One of the kayakers said he'd love to have him but his apartment complex didn't allow pets. This kind of made up my mind for me. One problem, he wouldn't come near the bike. After a few minutes it came to me and I called my "cosmic" advisor, Beverly, to assist me.
Beverly arrived in her Mustang and I handed him to her and told her to take him to my house.
On the way we stopped at the local stores and put out the word that if anyone had actually lost this guy to see me.
Now I have a new commander here at the fort. Lt. Col. Gasphard. He's so far the best little pup anyone could ask for.
He's not much on the actual labor end of things but he makes a great "straw boss. He's even ridden with me and seems to like it.
Now I can tell people that I went fishing and all I caught was a "Gasphard."
always see the adventure"