Thursday, September 17, 2009


365 Group (f)

This morning was another damp one. As I headed out to town the rain had all but stopped and it looked like a good day was starting.
Pulling on to the highway I headed west toward Fayetteville and before I knew it I was crowding 80 mph. The damp air was agreeing with my old twin. I floated along like this for three or four miles until I came up on a sub division. A car pulled out in front of me causing me to greatly reduce my speed and mutter unwholesome phrases. This seems to happen more around this time of the year. Think it has something to do with school starting back.
After getting past this "chuckle head" I had a good ride on into town to the first convenience store I saw. Coffee and gas were greatly needed. While I was sipping my coffee I made small talk with the woman behind the counter. She had mentioned Bikes, Blues & BBQ Rally that was coming up at the end of the month. She pointed out that there seemed to be more bikes around than normal and that she had noticed people that she had known for years and never seen on a bike before riding around town. Pointing out that it was funny how you can not really know someone. As we chatted I asked her if she wanted to have some fun with these neighbors of hers. (Of course.) I told her to start asking questions about their bikes. See if they stuttered and stammered over their answers. Look over this leather they were now wearing and see if it all looked new. And....if she could manage it to get a look at their bike. See if it had a rental sticker on it. I explained that since this rally has grown to one of the biggest in the country. Every body wants to be a part of the crowd, a few people break down and buy a bike. But, now, bike rentals are a going business. She thought about what I said then cracked into a laugh.
After leaving the gas station I headed over to work to turn in some paperwork to get my guys a raise. Running down Old Missouri Road I noticed a couple on a newer Harley inching along ahead of me. Traffic was backed up as everyone was apparently running late for work. By cheating a little I managed to get up beside them and we talked a bit about the slow moving traffic. They were headed to almost the same place I was. Finally I had had enough inching along and decided to hit the back roads and get around all this mess. Without asking, I just told them to follow me and took a right on Old Wire Road and tooled the narrow back roads over to Hwy.412. Rolling into a parking lot, they were laughing about the traffic. He said he hadn't considered doing that. I explained that it was one of the benefits of being on a bike.
The rest of the day I spent picking up camera supplies and all the junk that goes with it for me and Bikes,Blues & BBQ. After last year, I'm getting it all done early. Nothing worse than going to photograph something and running out of film and or memory or battery before you really get started. I had to run back to the house about every three hundred or so shots to download. So this year I'm hoping for around a thousand to 1500 before taking a break. People have asked me for more so these albums have steadily grown each year and that's what we are all about. Keeping everyone happy.
If you get the chance I recommend you visit Bikes, Blues & BBQ. I always have a good time.
Catch ya on the road

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