Saturday, November 15, 2008


365 Group

Hump day… Wednesday morning.
The morning was cool, about 30 degrees or so, but it promised to warm up and be an acceptable afternoon. I had planned to work today and head for Deer this afternoon and visit the folks and get a therapeutic ride in. My back has been giving me lots of problems since the weather has started becoming cooler. Usually a nice long ride helps me to acclimate and makes the pain at least tolerable.
Like I was saying it was a gorgeous morning as I bounced down the driveway. The traffic was about average, not too heavy. I ran along to the foot of slaughter mountain in an early morning fog that kind of put me in mind of flying, like when you go through the clouds. It was so nice and if some “idjot” didn’t plow into me it would make one of those nice daily memories to think back on.
All the way across to town it was intermittingly foggy and really nice.
Coming into town and traffic I made the light and roared up 412 to try and put some distance between me and the traffic that was held up by the light. The bike was running like a dream and I made the next two lights just as they changed and was really able to put some space between me and traffic. (That’s always a good feeling) I hadn’t seen another bike all morning and as I came up to the light at Powell street there was a bike waiting at the light. I wondered who the rider was and as I slowed up to a stop I recognized the bike as one I saw most everyday. I never have found out who rides it. It’s a female. I have never saw her with out her leathers and full helmet so It’s safer to say “it’s female” and not have to worry if I’ve erred in relation to age and all that. Anyway as I stopped I eased up along side her and was very aware of the stares from “saner” people in cars. Looking around I noticed that she was experiencing the same thing. I kind of laughed and as the light was starting to change she turned and we slapped hands and then the light turned and we roared off. Still don’t have a clue as to who she is. People looked at us as if we were kind of “simple” and that made it that much better.
Just before my turn off at work I have to go over the Railroad tracks. This is definitely a bump in the road. I usually kind of stand up on the pegs as I cross it it’s that bad at about 45 mph. This morning when I hit the tracks My bike just shut off. No warning or anything. Like you just turned off the key. I had enough speed that I was able to roll on into work and park. I got the shift change done and went out to see if I could figure out what broke. Thinking back I remembered that there had been a problem with the head light wiring and so I started with that. Tinkering with the wiring I managed to figure out what was wrong and even got it to start. I had called my buddy Luther for his input as he had helped me with the earlier headlight problem. Luther was going to come and follow me home and if needed we’d load the bike into his truck.
All through out the day I kept tinkering with the bikes wiring but with out any tools I wasn’t able to do much.
Finally quitting time came and Luther pulled in and I showed him what I had discovered as far as bad wiring and described what I had in mind as far as repairs.
The bike started up and I got out into traffic and headed toward home. I will say that I felt a real comfort each time I looked in my mirror and saw Luthers truck behind me. Friends like him are a truly a gift from God.
A couple of miles from home I pulled over feeling bad about having Luther interrupt his afternoon to help me as the bike wasn’t giving me any problems. I explained that I had an order called in at the café in Goshen and would be stopping there and that the bike was acting like a new one and thanked him for all his help so he could get on back to what ever he had to do. Luther said ok and to holler if I had any more trouble.
I headed into town thinking about a Cheese Burger with everything and a quick fix for my bike and a prayer of thanks for Luther friendship. At the gas station/café I went in and got my burger and when I got back out my bike was broke again. I went over everything that I had done earlier in the day and nothing.
Again, I gave Luther a call and he came to my rescue. He brought some tools and we took the critter apart and got into what had gone wrong. After much tinkering I got it started. However there wasn’t any lights. By this time I was cold and it didn’t matter. Luther said he would follow me and I could use his head lights. I loaded up and took off. The moon was out early and was full against a very clear sky and in addition to quite a view, provided me with a lot of light. Like I said I had gotten mad at myself for being such a bother and when I got on the road I let the Hammer down so to speak. Not too much speed. Just that I didn’t wait around. Luther followed me and I made it to the house without any further trouble. I thanked Luther with a feeling that it was no where near the payment he disserved for the help he had been. As I said before he is truly a gift from God in his friendship.
I figured to catch a ride to work tomorrow and Friday and start on the bike sometime this coming weekend. That sounds like a plan, now don’t it?
I caught a ride to work with my wife the next morning and ended up having a barrel of fun with the guys at work. The all came out and asked where the bike was or why I was being brought to work. I just couldn’t resist and told each that I had messed up and my wife grounded me. Took my bike away until she felt that I had learned my lesson. The truly funny part of it all is, everyone just accepted that my wife had gotten involved and that she was the reason I hadn’t rode to work for the first time in a very long time. No one even asked any questions or anything, just accepted it. Thinking about it now, I’m still chuckling. It’s just too funny to me.
Well tomorrow is Saturday and I hope to get the repairs made and finish this little story.
Sooooo, as someone once said “that’s my story and I’m sticking to it”.

Hope to let everyone know how this story ends real soon so I can catch ya on the road.

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