Monday, November 24, 2008

("to the tune of Shameless") ungrounded

365 Group

When last we left our hero he had been grounded by the wife...

All this past weekend, in one form or another I worked on the wiring of my bike. It was badly worn and I haven't seen a mess like this in years. It was all still factory but years had taken their toll. Most of the insulation had simply dried out and began to fall apart. So little by little, with a whole lot of electrical tape and even some duct tape, I put it all back together. The thing about the wiring on one of these old bikes from the 70's is, it's usually short runs and crammed into some very tight places. If your fingers are slow to maneuver like mine well it takes a whole weekend and a couple of forceps. Looking it over, I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself. Even being outside in the cold. I had the charger going on the battery all along and when I got it all back together I thought I'd fire it up and see if anything went to smoking. However, it turned out that I needed a new battery as well. After checking around I found one at the "evil empire" for just under $40.00.
After letting it charge Saturday night, it did the trick and my old antique fired off and I wasn't grounded any more.
I rode around my local area to road test my repairs and after satisfying myself that I had everything all patched up I topped my tank off and settled in for the night.
This morning was a nice 40 degrees or so and I loaded all my work junk, fired up, checked over the lights and everything and headed for work. The ride was a nice but real quick one. Still haven't figured that out. Seemed over before it started. Traffic in town was it's usual looney self. With the Monday morning makeup artists and coffee drinking cell phoners and all those school buses that tend to sneak up on ya.
The morning turned out really nice and not too cold. I pointed this out to everyone at work while I listened to why they hadn't ridden theirs in. there were lots of excuses. Every one did say that they were glad my wife had saw fit to un ground me.
The ride home was a nice lazy little trip and I sent my time planning my last trip of the year. I'm pulling out Wednesday evening and heading to my moms for Thanksgiving dinner then on down south to maybe Mena and the park.
I've even talked to a couple of people that say their interested in making the trip. So we'll see if anyone shows up. Usually I do this trip by myself so it wont be too upsetting if they don't make it.
Hopefully this will go off with out a hitch and I'll end this riding year on a happy note.

Now that I'm not grounded again I got to remember to behave myself. The annual Polar Bear ride is coming up.
Hope to catch ya on the road

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