Sunday, October 18, 2009

10/18/09 Bikin, not ridin days

365 Group (f)

This weekend was kind of a dry one compared to the past couple. It rained a little a couple of times and was overcast more than sunny. Temperatures got up to the middle fifties. All in all it was a keeper.

I had big plans starting into this weekend but like most of my plans they unraveled pretty quickly. I managed to get a few parts picked up here and there. Stuff that I had bought several weeks ago along with some tires that a friend had given me.
In between work, running around picking up parts I managed to visit with an online friend in the center part of the state and had a lot of fun chatting with her. She rides and always has a way of lightening the load when I chat with her. I have gotten a couple of ideas about the bike from her and am trying to incorporate them.
I made a quick ride over to the bicycle shop in Springdale and got a pair of mini ape hangers to fit my bike. I plan on trying out a whole new sitting position on my lower back for more than just short time as I ride. Planning on making it everyday for a while and see if it helps. After the bike shop I headed out to the salvage yard to pick up a pair of struts they had made for me. After the salvage yard I decided to go and grab some grub.
The ride between Springdale and Fayetteville is short hop between traffic lights. Several of them. I was told that it's real deceiving as it looks like a good long stretch from one light to the other but you cant ever make any time on it. That's true. But I always ask, whats the hurry? If your riding in any town, anywhere you should know that it's rare to make any kind of good time.
Finally I pulled up to the light at Mission and still had one skin. I felt that this was a special accomplishment during this quitting time of the day afternoon rush traffic. The light changed and I slipped across the intersection and into the parking lot of the Bar B Que place. This place is great food and all the atmosphere you could want rolled into one location. Plus one of my favorite people is back working there. After eating and visiting I headed back out to run everything out to the house. It was a rougher than normal ride with everything tied to the bike. Cant say enough good things about bungee cords.
I Clanked up my drive way and unloaded the parts. Radar came up and gave everything the once over sniff and trotted back to his spot on the porch. He's looking pretty good lately. Sandy seems to be keeping the groceries to him. He don't even look like the flea carrier I brought home.
I let out my pack of hounds and started on the bike. I pulled off the worn out shocks and replaced them with some homemade struts that lowered the rear about an inch and a half. Next I repositioned the rear fender to try and redirect the rooster tail of water that it throws out when I'm riding in the rain. Then the fun part. Measuring for the springs for the tractor solo seat. I have been told that if set up correctly it will ride as comfortably as what I had. I'm up for trying that. Plus being one of the inseam challenged, lowering the bike was big on my list of important thing to do.
Progressing from one little project to another I killed all afternoon. It was starting to get dark when I finally noticed. The pups are normally a good gage of time. I mean they always make sure that I know it's dinner time. Looking around I found them all sacked out beside Radar. Little vermin...picking up bad habits.
After feeding the pups I got back out to the bike and went back over everything to make sure I wouldn't lose anything tomorrow on the ride in.
In spite of all my plans crashing down around me I still got a few things accomplished and had a good time. Only got in about a hundred miles running around picking up parts and such. But hey, beats a jab in the rump with a pointy object.
catch ya on the road

1 comment:

Learning to Golf said...

Sounds like close to a perfect day John. I should send Pongo out to have Radar teach him to calm down and stay in the yard.