Saturday, March 13, 2010

3/6/10 saturdays ride (Couldnt get it to post before...better late than never)

365 Group (f)

Today was like most of my Saturdays since I got sick. Boring beyond belief. I seem to spend a lot of the day in bed trying to catch up from the work weeks drain.
I finally drag myself out and decide to at least take a short ride. This early spring like weather I think is a blessing. As it gets warmer I seem to be able to function better.
I make the best cup of coffee in the world. So it only stands to reason that I should have a cup or seven before starting my day. The pups all like it when I sit around with them, sip coffee and "scritch" ears and rub tummies at random. Kind of a morning ritual on the days I don't have to force myself to go to work. is a drag being sick!!
With all the coffee drank and the ears and tummies all attended to I start gearing up for a short ride. This morning the weather is a nice lower 50's and no wind which always makes it a plus. Ambling out to the bike I look it over for anything newly broken or worn. Looks like it's pretty much the same as I left it the last time..."Beautiful" I'm pretty lucky with her. For an older gal she has held up rather nicely.No complaints anywhere.
Slipping on my jacket and helmet I make a plan to just do a few miles and head back in. I really don't want to get too far out and have something short circuit and fall off the bike. That would be bad. Also be embarrassing which would probably be worse.
Screwing up my strength I hit the kicker and again I'm impressed. Fires up about half way through the first kick. Letting it warm up I cinch down my lid and strap on the thermos and camera. Finally it settles into that unique sound that old twins make. "frenchy fry...frenchy fry...frenchy fry." I back around and head down the worn out drive to the pavement and what I know will be a great little get away. I had figured on a lazy circle and at the most make about sixty miles and head east on hwy 45 to Hindsville. The traffic is light and the air is crisp at sixty miles per. Just the kind of morning you look for if your starting a trip. Too bad I wasn't able to do a trip right now. I still have a couple of months to go till my vacation time is available so the trips have to wait.
Pulling into Hindsville I look around at the old buildings and again try to imagine how this place must have been a few years ago. Gearing up I slip out of town and head west on hwy 412. I open up to about seventy and just enjoy the ride. Not much traffic at the time of day and the sun shining brightly makes for a real enjoyable time.
Before I know it I have run through the small communities of Sonora and Nob Hill and am tooling into Springdale. Ahhh Springdale, a traffic light on every corner. It's all good though. Since I haven't been able to ride in so long even the light to light isn't that bad.
I follow 412 up to US 71 and head South. Still in town but moving at a quicker pace. I'm generally headed toward Fayetteville and my circle back to the house. Thinking it over I stay on 71 to Township street. Heading up over the hump on Township I amble towards the Bar b Que place and lunch.
"My girl" isn't working today so there was no hug and that's kind of a let down but the grub was great and I left a happy camper as always. Firing up I point myself East on Mission (Hwy 45) and back to the house I go.
Pulling in to the house I felt pretty good, the best I've felt in a long time.
Like most of my riding has been these last few months, it wasn't much distance wise (I forgot to check my "Lickety split indicator" to see how many miles) but it was a keeper. I'm hoping that I can do it again soon.

catch ya on the road.

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