This morning was around 15 degrees when I got up around 5 a m. Way too cool for a ride but the weather channel showed promise for mid day and late afternoon.
I had started out to work when the body went south on me and I had to make some adjustments and take the day off. This back and forth in the weather plays with my body and it aint pretty. So kicking around the house I got started on a couple of small projects in preparation for the Polar Bear ride. The passenger side carburetor seems to need a good scrubbing "AAAAAgain". As it warms up I'm hitting on that.
I'm hoping that a good washing out will take care of the carburetors and get me by till a lot warmer weather. Anyway, I started washing out the carbs with spray cleaner and thought that I was doing a real good job. A friend called me and while we chatted he casually told me to try warming the carbs as I hosed them out. One of those "what the heck" deals that sort of made sense as he rattled it off. I went and got and old hair dryer and have it propped up to warm things up while I set inside and force myself to look out the window over another cup of coffee at the whole thing. I'm hoping that the warm metal hit by the cool spray will cause more trash to break loose and wash out. If not, well at least I'll have it warm enough to fool with. Who knows? I might even be able to limp it up to the Cline Motor Works world headquarters and beg for help.
catch ya on the road