Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I ride in all kinds of weather. I do draw the line on riding when it is icy. I have a real aversion to spending months with my leg or some other important body part in a cast. The last two days have been icy. Not too bad for car travel but bad enough that my bikes are all covered up. Guess that's the best way to say it. Last year I only remember one or two times that we had enough ice that I couldn't go. So far this winter we've had ice twice and winter is just getting started.
I don't like days like this as I would prefer to ride to work. I watch people go by on their bikes and it makes me feel a little cheated. They have an edge that I don't have. They start to work later than I do so it has a chance to warm up and clear off. They also live in town just a few blocks from their jobs. However if it weren't for days like this occasionally I wouldn't get anything done with my bike or the new accessories I have built and haven't had the time to put on. So I guess I'll not complain too much.
Hopefully the end of the week is going to be warmer and I can get back in the saddle as it were.
But I have been busy trying and retrying different camera mounts and tie down junk for the trip I have planned back to the Buffalo River. The first warm weekend I'm off for the river and a photo shoot. Hopefully it will all come together and I can get some decent shots of the area and the points of interest. Also, hopefully, I can include them in here.
Hope to catch ya on the road (when it isn't icy)

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