Tuesday, August 11, 2009

8/10/09 We are back to rain again

365 Group (f)

Today was a slow day at work. Pay roll was really the only real reason to go in. I ended up killing the whole day with little odds and ends.
Finally it was time to leave and I jumped out into light traffic. I ran the side streets to the Parkway and ambled towards Fayetteville. I needed to pick up some flea stuff for my "hounds" and pay a couple of bills.
On my way to the bank I noticed that behind me was really a large black storm. Lightening strikes were everywhere. Ahead of me looked kind of dark. Thinking that I just might make it without getting wet I felt the first rain drops. That's what I get for thinking. I pulled into a white oak station and struggle into my rain gear. Pulling back out it still was only a drop or two here and there. Sliding in to the ATM I get money for the pups and hear some major thunder. This might get damp. I run up to the closest grocery store and head in. I was only in there about five minutes. Grab the flea stuff and a money order. Coming back out it was raining so hard I couldn't see across the parking lot. Since I already had my gear on I stepped out into parking lot and splashed to the bike. I guess it was really ready to go. Started at about a fourth of the way through the first kick. This made me feel good about it all.
I headed out of the lot to the highway and noticed a guy on a Suzuki coming out of a liquor store parking lot. Shorts and a tee shirt. Man he looked drowned.
We ran along together for a little while, until I got up to highway speed. I noticed him backing off more and more till he was just creeping along. Guess the rain was too much.
I ran the next 10 or so miles to the house without any trouble.
The storm really hit after I got inside. Man! It was a mess. Lasted most of the night.
Good rain gear is a must in Northern Arkansas.
Catch ya on the road


Chessie (Chesshirecat) said...

John...would you add an RSS FEED or perhaps just a follow link? I really do like to read your stuff, but often forget to look for it...would be nice to have the reminder!

Now, I'm going back to read what I missed...

(I know,,, quit yer whinin' get to readin' and ridin' in that order...!)

Chessie (Chesshirecat) said...

OK I read it...
He slowed down cuz no matter how manly you are, when Ya ride in a rain storm w/shorts on...it fricken hurts...

LOL I guess you were in your work clothing? Otherwise, why bother to stop for rain suit? LOL I hate them!