Saturday, May 29, 2010

5/29/10 A humorous stab at exorcise

365 Group (f)
"Yep! I'm part of the herd."

Recently I hit upon a weight loss program that really does work. However, I do not recommend it to any one for any reason!! On this program I did lose almost 43 pounds in just under a month.

This morning the local radio station said at 10 am that it was already 80 degrees and no rain in sight. I headed out to do some of the doctoring stuff the Doc's told me to do and as a result of the above mentioned weight loss program, I really felt it. Lately my body is still a lot under powered so to speak. I even had a hard time lifting the bike off the stand. I did manage to get in about 70 miles in all this required running around. I thought about what the doctors said about finding some type of exorcise to rebuild my strength. I think that I may have hit on something. Like the weight loss program, I don't recommend it. I think it's going to be the ticket for me though.
There is about two acres and the grass is a little over three feet in some places thanks to all the rain we've had. The mower (see picture) is a genuine push mower that seems to never run out of gas. It just don't get better than
It's funny. I never thought that mowing the yard would help keep me on the road.

Catch ya on the road


Learning to Golf said...

Having to mow that would make me go out on the road. There isn't question which I would rather do.

WooleyBugger said...

Never ever tell my wife that this mowing is good for my health. Please. I prefer to call it the wild life habitat.