Monday, February 21, 2011


365 Group (f)

This morning rain was back in the forcast. Figuring that with the temps getting up to the middle 50's, should'nt be too bad a day for riding.
I got up and going a little earlier this morning so I could beat the traffic. I have spent the last few days working on my bikes, tune ups and such. I figured a few extra miles under the guise of going to work would be in order.
Pulling out from the house I eased down to the highway and then over to the station to top off the tank. ($3.15 a gallon. Just sucks.) After gas I pulled out in the general direction of work. My plan was a simple one. I had an extra hour and a half. just ride around until I was forced to head in.
I managed to zig zag the "metro" area pretty well and finally ended up over on 540 by Bentonville when it was time to head in. Just as well as it was starting to rain.
I ran up 540 with the morning lunatics and remembered why I dont like interstate riding around this area.
I had a good ride. The bike ran great in the early morning cool and I located a couple of new breakfast spots to try. Yep!
Going to be a good day.

catch ya on the road

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