Tuesday, March 1, 2011


365 Group (f)

This morning it was a crisp 27 degrees when I got up. I made a pot of coffee. In the time it took to make, the temp dropped to 26. This morning did'nt seem to be starting out real great.
I managed to get a couple of cups of coffee down and that seemed to take the sting out of thinking about riding in to work.
with the pups fed and thermos filled I headed out. Even covered the bike was white with frost. Took a few minutes with a hair dryer to get everything "defrosted". Once the frost was knocked off the bike fired up and I was ready to hit the road.
I was meeting sidekick at the cafe in town for a "before work" cup of coffee so that was my first stop. That little half mile ride wasnt bad at all.
After coffee I fired up and jumped into traffic to see what the other tweleve and a half miles would be like. The run along to the mountain wasnt too bad. Everyone was moving at a sane pace for a change and there wasnt any cross winds. It was actually like a very cold early spring morning.
Once I got off the highway and on side roads it was really good riding.
In town the traffic picked up quite a bit. Felt sort of like "push and shove" from light to light. Two of the young urbanites that motored along side me for a couple blocks were involved in hastily appling makeup and downing a pop tart. Other than those two 'award winners' the ride was about as good as it could be on a cold early March morning.
The weather is suppose to be warm this afternoon, should be a good ride back.

catch ya on the road

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