Friday, June 5, 2009


365 Group (f)

The rain finally blew through and left cool damp air. This morning was nice.

I went out to load up and my pups decided to help me. The smallest of the bunch grabbed a glove and took off out the door. The others naturally followed woofin and snortin like they were some body. I got my glove back, spoke sharply to the little miscreant and began packing up for the ride to work.
After some threats and promises I finally got the pups back inside. Too bad they wont ride with me. I fired up and eased down the drive.
For a Friday morning traffic was heavy. I guess it's due to the big 'Evil Empire" convention that's going on this week. It always seems to put a damper on things.
Pulling out onto the street I had a feeling that this was going to be one of those days. The traffic, even on the little short street I live on was bumper to bumper. Once I got out on the highway it was a little better. At least a little more spaced out. I made good time over to the foot of the mountain as everyone was in a hurry. At my turn off there was a little congestion but I managed to slip by and got on to the back roads and ended up having a good ride for seven or eight miles. Coming into town I decided to take the most direct route to work. Wouldn't be as much fun as going my usual way. It would get me off the road and out of this licensed lunacy a little faster.
I got on Hwy 412 at the East end of town and hammered with the traffic. Staying in the outside lane all the way up to work. In this town that's risky at best. But, I figured it would be the easiest to get off at work. It's funny. We were all floating along like the law was after us until we got to the first traffic light. From the light on it was inch along. After a few minutes of this I started riding the parking lots along side the road up to the next light. I managed to get ahead of this slow moving hoard. I know that I made some drivers mad by jumping out into a parking lot and in some cased several in a row and going on. Hey! They could ride a bike and do all this silly stuff I do. while I enjoy doing the silly stuff I would rather have a leisurely ride in each morning. I made it to work with exactly one minute to spare.
While at work I was quizzed about a kid's fishing derby supposed to be held a state park close by. The guy doing the quizzing was actually telling me that it would be a good photo op. He was taking his kids down and spending the weekend. I hadn't heard about it till now. I figure to reshuffle my Saturday and take him up on breakfast at the campsite. I think I'll even take my camera. Let ya know how the fishin is at the park in a couple of days.
Catch ya on the road

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