Friday, June 12, 2009


365 Group (f)

Well I got up to an absolutely perfect morning for a ride.

Even my little Republicans agreed that it was a good day. Rather they agreed that it was a good day for them to be outside. Things like that and Treats are really all they ever agree with me on.
I managed to get up a little earlier than normal and had a few minutes to get the bike loaded before anything else. That was nice. I didn't have to hum haw around when it was time to leave.
I also had time to check my email and find out how the "herd" was doing on the trip. From all accounts they were screwing off right on schedule. Stopping at each and every wide spot.
Since I had arranged work so I could be off there wasn't really anything for me to go in for. I thought I'd go and make sure the payroll got in without a hitch and then maybe head out for a little road trip of my own. I had been hearing about a couple of new shows over around Eureka Springs and since it's close, thought I would get a room over there and check out the shows. If I have to come back it wont be a big deal.
Getting on the road this morning was a little strange. No traffic at all for the first 10 miles. I cant remember the last time I didn't see something on the road that early in the morning. Kind of spooky. I enjoyed it.
Once I got into Springdale it all went back to normal real fast and I was once again the "Ball in the machine." I guess everyone had overslept and was trying to make it on time. The last mile or so I did manage to get in with a bunch of bikes that were passing through. It provided a sort of comfort zone. Safety in numbers. I stayed with them all the way to work.
Pulling in I noticed a lot of people had ridden in. May make a run at lunch time? That's always lots of fun.
Hopefully I'll be back on the road around noon and miss most of the early weekend traffic. Since I don't really have lots to do till Monday and I kind of have to stay in the area, I'm looking at hitting all the local attractions and getting in about three hundred miles.
So if your around Eureka this weekend your likely to see me.
catch ya on the road

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