Friday, May 29, 2009

5/29/09 morning fog

365 Group (F)

This morning there was a lot of ground fog.

With the weather constantly changing these last few days I never know what to expect in the mornings.
I headed`out a little earlier than usual to try and get a couple of extra stops in. The bike seemed to be running better in the moist air. Before I knew it I was pulling into Fayetteville. After the money order-bill paying that goes with Ebay, I headed out down 265 for work.
The fog wasn't as bad along 265 as it had been coming from home. Traffic was light at that hour and everyone seemed to be behaving themselves on the road. In fact, this is the first morning that there has been fog that I haven't had a close call of some kind.
Since I was running a little early it figured that I would get behind every school bus in N.W. Arkansas. Still, I decided to try and find a Biscuit something or other for breakfast. I headed west on 412 to seventy one and went north. At the Sonic I noticed a bunch of bikes and figured that this would be the place for a biscuit. I pulled in and parked beside the bikes and went in. I didn't know any of the riders. They were traveling through on their way to Eureka Springs and Branson. After a few minutes of chat I got my breakfast and headed on over to work.
Pulling in to work I noticed that the fog kept most every one from riding today. Or that's the story they will use. I parked and ambled in to find out that today was going to be a short one. Seems that something is broke that shouldn't be so we'll be getting out just about whenever we want. This being Friday, I'm thinking around lunch time would be a good time to make a run for it.
I think lunch in Eureka Springs would be in order. Be a nice short ride anyway.
Catch ya on the road


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